27 Februay 2023 - The Book of Abstracts of ELICSIR Symposium has been published and can be found here.

20 February 2023 - Milan Pavlović, master student at the Faculty of Electronic Engineering, finished his two and a half month stay at the IHP, Germany. His activities were related to the training on the use of digital circuit simulator tool Modelsim, design of on-chip temperature sensor based on ring oscillator, and design of SET filter and detector. Some photos can be seen here.

31 January 2023 - The Twining Day was held on 27 January 2023 at the Faculty of Electronic Engineering. Programme can be found here, but photos here.

31 January 2023 - The ELICSIR Symposium (www.symp.elicsir-project.eu) was held on 25/26/27 January 2023 at the Faculty of Electronic Engineering. The Programme and list of participants can be found here, presentations here, and photos here.

2 January 2023 - A joint scientific paper is accepted in Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers within the ELICSIR project: https://doi.org/10.1142/S0218126622400072

10 December 2022 - Sandra Veljković has been a guest on several television channels where she promoted the ELICISIR project. Links can be found here.

7 December 2022 - ANNOUNCEMENT: The ELICSIR Symposium will be held on 25/26/27 January 2023 (Wed-Fri), at the Faculty of Electronic Engineering in Niš, Serbia. Abstracts can be sent until December 25, 2022, to the email address: info@elicsir-project.eu 

5 December 2022 - Milan Pavlović, master student at the Faculty of Electronic Engineering, starts his two and a half month stay at the IHP, Germany.

2 December 2022 - Nikola Mitrović, a teaching assistant at the Faculty of Electronics Engineering, University of Nis, finished his stay at the University of Granada. He was involved in the joint research and preparation of joint papers with the staff of the Department of Electronics and Computer Technology at the University of Granada. Research was focused on designing an experimental setup for measuring of threshold voltage of DMOS transistors. Desinged setup was used for measuring the characteristics before and after irradiation as well as during the thermal annealing of DMOS devices. Some photos can be seen here.

17 November 2022 - Sandra Veljković, PhD student, was awarded a special award "Svetislav Milić - to young people from the heart. Link can be found here, but photo here.

11 November 2022 - The 3rd ELICSIR Training School, organized by the University of Granada, was held on October 24 - 26, 2022 in Granada, Spain. The list of participants can be found here, presentations here, and photos here.

3 October 2022 - Miloš Marjanović presented a joint research paper "Marko Andjelkovic, Milos Marjanovic, Junchao Chen, Stefan Ilic, Goran Ristic, Milos Krstic, PS-BBICS: Pulse stretching bulk built-in current sensor for on-chip measurement of single event transients" at the 33rd European Symposium on Reliability of Electron Devices, Failure Physics and Analysis (ESREF 2022), which was held in Berlin (Germany) from September 26-29, 2022. The Conference Programme can be found here, presentation here and photos here.

28 September 2022 - Sandra Veljkovic participated in the tenth Serbian Ceramic Society Conference »Advanced Ceramics and Application« which was held in Belgrade (Serbia) from September 26-27, 2022.

19 September 2022 - Nikola Mitrović, a teaching assistant at the Faculty of Electronics Engineering, starts his two-and-a-half-month stay at the University of Granada, Spain.

7 September 2022 - Miloš Marjanović gave a lecture at the summer electronics seminar at the Petnica Science Centre, Serbia. 17 high school students from 8 cities in Serbia participated in the seminar. The ELICSIR project was presented to the students through a lecture on radiation sensors and sensor data processing using Arduino. Also, the participants of the seminar were given experiences about working and staying at the IHP within ELICSIR project. Presentation can be found here, but photos here

31 August 2022 - ANNOUNCEMENT: The 3rd ELICSIR Training School will be organized by the University of Granada from October 24 to October 26, 2022. The announcement can be found here.

3 September 2022 - Stefan Ilić and Goran Ristić participated in the 11th Conference of the Balkan Physical Union (BPU11 Congress) that was held in Belgrade, Serbia, from 28 August to 1 September 2022. The poster presentation can be found here, but photos here.

3 August 2022 - A joint scientific paper is accepted in Microelectronic Reliability within the ELICSIR project: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.microrel.2022.114726

16 June 2022 - During RAD 2022 Conference (Spring Edition), the participants of the ELICSIR project held a meeting on the further implementation of the project. Photo can be seen here.

15 June 2022 - Special session of ELICSIR project, which contained 7 oral presentation of project participants, was held at RAD 2022 Conference (Spring Edition). The titles of presentation can be seen here, but photos here.

6 June 2022 - Sandra Veljković, a PhD student at the Faculty of Electronics Engineering, University of Niš completed a two month training stage with Dr. Russell Duane at Tyndall National Institute. The training was related to using numerical simulation to validate measurement method techniques such as the well known McWhortur method for extracting oxide charge. Also, various components structures were formed in the simulator for further testing and analysis. A tour of the silicon fabrication facility was completed where process engineers demonstrated how a RADFET is fabricated. Some photos can be seen here.

31 May 2022 - The presentation of the company Novelic, which deals with the development of radar and similar sensor technologies and operates within the Science and Technology Park Niš, was held at the Faculty of Electronics in Niš. It was also an opportunity for the ELICSIR project promotion. The photos are here.

31 May 2022 - Nikola Mitrović, a teaching assistant at the Faculty of Electronics Engineering and the member of ELICSIR project promoted the project at the International Fair of Technics and Technical Achievements held from May 24 to 27, 2022 in Belgrade. Some photos can be seen here.

26 May 2022 - Five workshops and a final quiz were held for high school students from Niš and the surrounding area during April and May in order the Faculty and Elicsir project promotion. The students had the opportunity to realize one ionizing radiation sensor. Detailed can be found here, but photos can be found here.

22 April 2022 - A joint scientific paper is accepted in Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers within the ELICSIR project: https://doi.org/10.1142/S0218126622400035

4 April 2022 - Sandra Veljković, a PhD student at the Faculty of Electronics Engineering, University of Niš, starts her two-month stay at the Tyndall National Institute.

20 March 2022 – Miloš Marjanović, a teaching assistant at the Faculty of Electronics Engineering, University of Nis, finished his stay at the IHP. He was involved in joint research, preparation of student exercises and preparation of joint papers. The research activities were related to the SPICE simulations of Single Event Transients in CMOS circuits. Based on achieved results, one journal and one conference paper have been submitted. For interactive student training section on ELICSIR website, an exercise for SET simulation using open source tools and models has been developed. Some photos can be seen here.

17 March 2022 – Miloš Marjanović, a teaching assistant at the Faculty of Electronics Engineering, University of Nis, during his stay at IHP gave an online lecture entitled “PS-BBICS: Pulse Stretching Bulk Built-in Current Sensor for On-Chip Measurement of Single Event Transients”. The lecture summarized the simulation results achieved during his stay at IHP. The lecture can be seen here.

13 March 2022 - A joint scientific paper is accepted in Micro & Nano Letters within the ELICSIR project: http://doi.org/10.1049/mna2.12119

24 February 2022 - A joint scientific paper is accepted in Electronics within the ELICSIR project: https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics11060918

17 - 18 February 2022 - Prof. Dr. Miloš Krstić, member of ELICSIR project from IHP, participated at the online training school “Introduction to Quantization in Neural Networks and Applications”, organized by the Faculty of Electronic Engineering, University of Niš, Serbia. He gave an invited talk on “Hardware Architectures for AI Applications”. His presentation was followed by around 40 participants, mainly students and staff of the Faculty of Electronic Engineering.

11 February 2022 - A joint scientific paper is accepted in Microprocessors and Microsystems within the ELICSIR project: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.micpro.2022.104486

23 January 2022 - A joint scientific paper is accepted in Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment within the ELICSIR project: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nima.2022.166473

10 January 2022 - Miloš Marjanović starts his two-and-a-half-month stay at the IHP, Germany.

27 December 2021 - The troika from the ELICISR project (Sandra, Miloš and Goran) promoted the project by participating in the 13. Science Is Not a Bogeyman virtual event organized by the Svetozar Marković High School from Niš. Through the prepared presentation, they introduced the attendees to ionizing radiation and its measurement. The presentation can be seen here.

25 Decembar 2021 - Goran, Stefan and Aleksandar performed another experiment at the Vinca Institute, which was planned with colleagues from the University of Granada. Many thanks to our dear friend and colleague Dr. Srboljub Stanković, who is always there for us during the realization of the experiments. Some photos are here.

18 December 2021 - Nikola Đikić, a student at the Faculty of Electronic Engineering and a member of the ELICSIR team, gave an interview to the Serbian Radio and Television about his engagement at CERN. The interview can be seen here, but photos here.

26 November 2021 - The 3rd ELICSIR WORKSHOP, entitled "Fault-tolerant Electronics for Radiation Environments", organized online by the IHP, was held on November 17 and 18, 2021. The programme, list of participants and presentations can be found here.

20 October 2021 - ANNOUNCEMENT: 3rd ELICSIR WORKSHOP, entitled "Fault-tolerant Electronics for Radiation Environments", will be organized online by the IHP on November 17 and 18, 2021. Please register by sending an email to Marko Andjelkovic to get Zoom links for this event (either to andjelkovic@ihp-microelectronics.com or marko.andjelkovic.14682@gmail.com). Program can be found here.

7 October 2021 - Stefan Ilić has presented a joint research paper "S. D. Ilić, M. S. Andjelković, R. Duane, A. J. Palma, M. Sarajlić, S. Stanković, G. S. Ristić, Recharging Process of Commercial Floating-Gate MOS Transistor in Dosimetry Application" (paper #59) at 32th European Symposium on Reliability of Electron Devices, Failure Physics and Analysis, within an oral online session I3-2: Radiation impact on circuits and systems reliability, on October 6, 2021 at 10:50. The Conference Programme can be found here.

1 October 2021 - One of the regular online consultations was held between the student and the project partners (in this case, Stefan Ilić, PhD student, with the partners from Tyndall National Institute and University of Granada). Photos can be seen here.

25 September 2021 - Miloš Marjanović visited the start-up company BeeHold that operates within the Science and Technology Park Niš, promoting the ELICISR project. The photo is here.

22 September 2021Bojan Draško, a PhD student at the Faculty of Electronic Engineering, University of Niš, spent a month at the IHP, Germany (21.08 - 20.09.2021), where he was involved in the training activities and publication preparation.

17 September 2021 - Stefan Ilić will present a joint research paper "S. D. Ilić, M. S. Andjelković, R. Duane, A. J. Palma, M. Sarajlić, S. Stanković, G. S. Ristić, Recharging Process of Commercial Floating-Gate MOS Transistor in Dosimetry Application" (paper #59) at 32th European Symposium on Reliability of Electron Devices, Failure Physics and Analysis, within an oral online session I3-2: Radiation impact on circuits and systems reliability, on October 6, 2021 at 10:50. The Conference Programme can be found here.

15 September 2021 - Four papers of PhD and master students of ELICSIR Project members were presented at virtual 2021 IEEE 32nd International Conference on Microelectronics held in the period from September 12 to September 14, 2021. The Conference Programme can be seen here.

16 August 2021 - A joint scientific paper is accepted in Journal of Radiation Research and Applied Sciences within the ELICSIR project: https://doi.org/10.1080/16878507.2021.1970921

23 July 2021 - A joint scientific paper is accepted in Microelectronic Reliability within the ELICSIR project: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.microrel.2021.114322

24 June 2021 - A joint paper was presented at the RAD 2021 Conference within the ELICSIR project: https://doi.org/10.21175/rad.abstr.book.2021.26.9

22 June 2021 - Goran Ristic was a guest on Television Herceg Novi, where he spoke about radiation: https://youtu.be/YYJ7SfsYTk0 (from 18:30 minutes)

22 June 2021 - Prof. Goran Ristic, the project coordinator and the president of the RAD Conference, used great opportunity to promote the ELICISR project during the Ninth International Conference on Radiation in Various Fields of Research – RAD 2021 Conference (rad2021.rad-conference.org) that was held from June 14–18, 2021, in Herceg Novi, Montenegro. Photos could be seen here.

25 – 27 May 2021 - Dr. Gregor Kramberger from the Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia, visited EF-UNINIS as an external consultant on the ELICSIR project related to TCT research. Photos could be seen here.

21 May 2021 - A joint scientific is accepted in Sensors and Materials within the ELICSIR project: https://doi.org/10.18494/SAM.2021.3425

27 April 2021 - The 2nd ELICSIR Training School, organized online by the Tyndall National Institute, was held on April 21 and 22, 2021. The programme, list of participants and presentations can be found here.

25 April 2021 - Radiation experiments planned with project partners were performed at the Department of Radiation and Environmental Protection, Vinča Institute of Nuclear Science, Belgrade. Experiment participants: prof. Goran Ristić, Stefan Ilić, PhD student, Luka Spahić, PhD student, Aleksandar Jevtić, Master student, and Strahinja Dimitrijević, Bachelor student. The photos can be seen here.

10 April 2021 - ANNOUNCEMENT: 2nd ELICSIR ONLINE TRAINING SCHOOL will be organized by Tyndall National Institute on April 21 and 22, 2021. To register, please send an email to Russell Duane (russell.duane@tyndall.ie). Registered participants will receive a Zoom link before the meeting. Preliminary program can be found here.

26 March 2021 - The ELICISIR Project Team organised Twinning Project Days on March 24 and 25, 2021. This event gathered 18 twinning project coordinators from the last two calls from neighbouring and non-EU countries. The list of participants, programme and presentations could be found here.

13 - 15 March 2021 - Radiation experiments of commercial pin diode, planned with colleagues from UGR and IHP, were performed at the Department of Radiation and Environmental Protection, Vinča Institute of Nuclear Science, Belgrade. Because of epidemiologic measures, only Goran Ristić and Stefan Ilić could participate in the experiments. If the situation improves, joint radiation experiments will be performed in the Radiotherapy Unit of the University “San Cecilio” Hospital in Granada, KU Leuven, Belgium, or GSI Center for Heavy Ion Research in Darmstadt, Germany, as planned. The photos could be seen here.

12 March 2021 - The 2nd ELICSIR Online Workshop was held on March 9 and 10, 2021, organized by the University of Granada. The programme, list of participants and presentations can be found here.

4 March 2021 – Stefan Ilić performed experiments of recharging process of commercial floating-gate MOS transistors at the Department of Radiation and Environmental Protection, Vinča Institute of Nuclear Science, Belgrade, Serbia, planned with project partners. The manuscript with those results was sent for consideration at ESREF 2021 Conference, which papers will be published in a special issue of the Microelectronics Reliability Journal.

12 February 2021 - ANNOUNCEMENT: 2nd ELICSIR ONLINE WORKSHOP will be organized by the University of Granada on March 9 and 10, 2021. Please register by sending an email to Prof. Antonio M. Lallena (lallena@ugr.es) or Prof. Alberto J. Palma (ajpalma@ugr.es). Preliminary program could be found here.

28 January 2021 - Prof. Goran Ristić, project coordinator, presented ELICSIR project at the Kick off meeting of VIDIS Project.

14 January 2021 - Prof. Dr. Miloš Krstić, member of ELICSIR project from IHP, participated in the 19th Workshop “High Performance SiGe BiCMOS Technology Platform for Innovative RF and Photonic ICs” and gave a talk related to space activities of IHP, in which he promoted ELICSIR project. His presentation was followed by over 50 participants from industry and academia.

11 December 2020 - Stefan Ilić received the award for the best master's thesis at the Faculty of Electronic Engineering for the 2019/2020 school year.

8 December 2020 - Goran Ristić, project coordinator, Laza Kostić, PhD student, and Aleksandar Jevtić, master student, visited the DMV company and presented the ELICSIR project. Together with the owner of the company, Mr. Dušan Šarković, dipl. elec. ing., they visited the company's laboratories and considered the possibility of mutual cooperation. It is one of the most successful companies in this part of Serbia. Photos of the visit can be viewed here.

20 November 2020 - Stefan Ilić, Luka Spahić, and Laza Kostić, after completing their master's theses within the ELICSIR project, enrolled in doctoral studies, continuing to work on the project.

29 October 2020 - Laza Kostić, a master student at the Faculty of Electronic Engineering, University of Niš, and a member of ELICSIR project, defended his master's thesis entitled "Self-sustaining, low-power embedded system for measuring the absorbed dose of ionizing radiation", under the supervision of Professor Goran Ristić. The master's thesis was done in the Applied Physics Laboratory.

20 October 2020 - In addition to the link: www.elicsir.elfak.rs, the ELICSIR project can also be accessed via the link: www.elicsir-project.eu.

19 October 2020 - Stefan Ilić, a master student at the Faculty of Electronic Engineering, University of Niš and a member of ELICSIR project, defended his master's thesis entitled "Investigation of the possibility of using a commercial floating gate transistor as an ionizing radiation detector in high sensitivity mode", under the supervision of Professor Goran Ristić. The master's thesis was done in the Applied Physics Laboratory. Stefan is very grateful to Russell Duane and Aleksandar Jaksic, from the Tyndall Institute, and Marko Andjelkovic, from the IHP Institute for very useful help.

8 October 2020 - A joint scientific paper was presented on DSD 2020 Conference and published in the Conference Proceedings (23rd Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design).

2 October 2020 - Luka Spahić, a master student at the Faculty of Electronic Engineering, University of Niš and a member of ELICSIR project, defended his master's thesis entitled "Design and implementation of an electronic circuit for measuring low currents based on transimpedance amplification", under the supervision of Professor Goran Ristić. The master's thesis was done in the Applied Physics Laboratory. Luka expresses special gratitude to Marko Andjelković, from the partner IHP institution, for the very significant help he provided during the preparation of this master's thesis.

18 – 20 September 2019 - First joint experiment at Vinča Institute. The EF-UNINIS (Prof. Goran Ristić and student Stefan Ilić) and Tyndall National Institute (Aleksandar Jaksic) took part in the first joint experiment in the ELICSIR project. The experiment involved irradiation of commercial floating gate transistors and Tyndall stacked RADFET samples at the Institute of Nuclear Sciences Vinca, Belgrade. The results of the experiment will be used in joint research work in the project. Preparations for the upcoming project kick-off meeting, general project work plan, and planned Stefan’s visit to Tyndall were discussed.

9 September 2020 - The second part of 1st ELICSIR ONLINE TRAINING SCHOOL: Radiation Effects in Electronic Devices, Circuits and Systems, organized by IHP, was held. The programme, list of participants and presentations can be found here.

26 August 2020 - The first part of 1st ELICSIR ONLINE TRAINING SCHOOL: Radiation Effects in Electronic Devices, Circuits and Systems, organized by IHP, was held. The programme, list of participants and presentations can be found here.

17 July 2020 – The 1st ELICSIR Online Workshop was held on 15 July 2020, 2021, organized by the Tyndall National Institute, Ireland. Workshop presentations were related to the details of the scientific work done since the start of ELICSIR project. Discussion included scientific issues and possibilities and plans for further research collaborations between partners. The agenda and presentations can be found here.

24 June 2020 – ELICSIR project Consortium Meeting was held online. The project partners discussed the project progress, impact on the project of COVID-19 pandemic, and activities in the following period. It was decided to hold a one day online workshop in July and a two day training school in late August/early September.

5 June 2020 - A scientific paper is published in Sensors, an open access journal from MDPI, which has an impact factor of 3.031, within the ELICSIR project (www.mdpi.com/1424-8220/20/11/3329). The authors are very grateful to the staff of the Tyndall Institute and the IHP Institute, especially to Dr. Russell Duane, for their very helpful assistance.

5 February 2020 - ELICSIR project is starting to be a partner of RAD 2020 Conference (rad2020.rad-conference.org), at which Prof. Goran Ristic, project coordinator and conference chairman, will present the project to conference participants and companies.

3 - 6 February 2020 - Dr. Gregor Kramberger from the Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia, as an external consultant on ELICSIR project related to TCT research, visited EF-UNINIS.

22 - 24 January 2020 - Stefan Ilić, a Master student at the Faculty of Electronic Engineering, University of Niš, attended the ATLAS Roman Pots General meeting at CERN, Geneva, Switzerland. He gave a talk titled "New AFP RadMONs based on floating gate" during the AFP Detector Session. Some photos of the event may be seen here.

27 November 2019 – Stefan Ilić, a Master student at the Faculty of Electronic Engineering, during his stay at at the Tyndall National Institute, University College Cork, gave a lecture titled "Electrically programmable floating gate MOS transistor as a radiation detector". Photos could be seen here.

14 October 2019 – Stefan Ilić, a Master student at the Faculty of Electronic Engineering, University of Niš, begins a two-months stay at the Tyndall National Institute, University College Cork, where he is involved in the training activities and publications preparation.

3 – 4 October 2019 – Official kick-off meeting of the ELICSIR project was held at the Faculty of Electronic Engineering, University of Niš. The meeting was attended by project partners. Photos could be seen here.

27 September 2019 – ELICSIR student members, Stefan Ilić and Aleksandar Jevtić, participated in European Researchers Night.

From 01 September 2019, an international project entitled “Enhancement of Scientific Excellence and Innovation Potential in Electronic Instrumentation for Ionizing Radiation Environments” (acronym: ELICSIR) funded by EU Commission has officially started (Type of action: Coordination and Support, Topic: H2020-WIDESPREAD-2018-2020, Call: WIDESPREAD-3-2018-TWINNING).

The partner institutions at the project are:

The project coordinator is Prof. Goran Ristić.